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PRO TECHnology wins the prestigious VERITAS Enterprise Partner Award 2003 at the VERITAS VISION 2003

PRO TECHnology – a pioneer in storage, Backup & Disaster Recovery solutions in the Middle East & an Elite Partner of VERITAS- has won the VERITAS Enterprise Partner Award for this year.

The award was presented to PRO TECHnology on 10th June 2003 by Mr. John Poulter, Regional Vice President and Mr. Mike Hynes, Regional Manager, VERITAS Software, at the Partner Summit held on the eve of VERITAS VISION 2003 at the Emirates Towers in Dubai, UAE.

“PRO TECHnology started five years ago as a focused solution provider in the field of data storage and has grown rapidly over the years to reach their current status as a VERITAS Elite partner. They have been responsible for complex deployments and implementations across a wide range of platforms and applications in the government, banking and media sectors and have closed some tough deals during the past one year. This award is well deserved by this dedicated partner” said Mike Hynes, Regional Manager of VERITAS Middle East.

“We are very excited and receiving this prestigious award is a great honor,” said Jamal Maraqa, Managing Director of PRO TECHnology, “This recognition from VERITAS is yet another feather in PRO TECHnology’s cap and validates our vision of making quality a culture within and validates the significant strides we have taken in our quest for delivering Information Availability Services to our customers for business critical processes.”

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