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PRO TECHnology releasing its first edition of a monthly newsletter

PRO TECHnology – A leading IT solutions provider- has announced the release of its first edition monthly newsletter.

The news letter which will be distributed to all clients and partners of PRO TECHnology will be a tool to keep them updated of what is happening in the IT field and the latest activities and functions within PRO TECHnology.

It will also talk about the plans of PRO TECHnology for the year. Mr. Jamal Maraqa- Managing Director of PRO TECHnology Group- has confirmed in his keynote speech that “PRO TECHnology- during the past few years- has proved to be one of the major and unique players in the regional IT market. We have decided to adopt a strategy – during the initial stage of establishing PRO TECHnology- where we put all efforts to address and serve the specialized needs that are not being served in the region by other computer firms. We focused our efforts in providing and developing these solutions far a way from the traditional role in competing with other local companies that serve other needs. As a matter of fact, we were the leaders in providing hi-end storage and archiving solutions, and integrated solutions in the field of advertising and printing, besides the technical mobile accessories needed during the travel.”

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