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PRO TECHnology and STORAGEFLEX solves storage challenges in a new era

Pro-Active Storage Management has evolved into multiple dimensions posing new challenges to all CIO and Network Administrators.

Mr. Paul Chan, President of Storageflex defined these new challenges into five easily identified areas known as ABCDE:

A for Acceleration and Archiving B for Backup and Restore C for Consolidation, Compliance and Connectivity D for Disaster Recovery E for Encryption and Security

Acceleration is most appropriate for deployment to alleviate bottlenecks in any chain of events. In the case of network computing, I/O bottlenecks are most frequently found in access times at the hard disk level. Often the only moving part in the read and write process, this has caused performance loss in most I/O intensive applications, commonly found in Oracle and SQL deployments. Storageflex solves this problem with deployment of its Ramsan Fibre Channel Attached Solid State Disk. With access times as low as 20ns, Storageflex’s Ramsan can write 200 I/O in the same amount of time the fastest Fibre Channel Disk Based RAID Device can perform one single write transaction! Investment in Storageflex Ramsan can assist Oracle and SQL Networks increase their ROI in Database Investment. Storageflex Ramsan comes standard with Multi-Host Support, Web Based Management, Automated Backup to Internal Disks and Embedded Battery Backup System to ensure Non-Volatile Solid State Storage from 8GB to 128GB.

Backup, Restore and Disaster Recovery continues to be a challenge since the introduction of Client Server Computing over twenty years ago. Continued Shrinking Backup Windows accompanied by Restores taking longer than desired remains a challenge for many. Offsite tape backup provides recovery from disasters at main computing site but at a price of longer restores from tape.

Storageflex offers a combination of hardware and software solutions to provide Real Time Block Level Data Replication from primary site to one or more secondary sites. By storing replicates in real time on disk, backup windows are not required and restores are instantaneous!

Consolidation, Compliance and Connectivity are all attributes found in Storageflex’s 3945N. Powered by Windows Storage Server 2003, Storageflex 3945N offers internal consolidated Storage capacities of up to 9.6TB, comprised of Hot Swap SCSI or SATA Disks. External device connectivity via Fibre Channel, SCSI or iSCSI to RAID, Optical or Tape Device is possible. Additional 50TB of Fibre Channel, SCSI or SATA Hot Swap Storage is possible while providing Volume Snapshots for incoming data via Gigabit Ethernet, iSCSI or Fibre Channel.

Options on Storageflex 3945N include Remote Data Replication Services, Automated Data Migration and WORM Compliance onto Disk, Optical and/Tape, as well Virtual Tape Library Services.

“Please visit us at our stand in Hall No. 4, Stand No. Q4 – 2 Dubai World Trade Center. The latest storage solution from STORAGEFLEX called 3945N NAS Storage Platform will be showcased this year at GITEX 2005 in Dubai on September 25th to 29th” said Mr. Jamal H. Maraqa, PRO TECHnology’s Managing Director.”

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