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PRO TECHnology and Qualstar announces S-AIT libraries

PRO TECHnology, a pioneer in backup, disaster recovery and high availability solutions in the Middle East and North Africa and Qualstar Corporation (NYSE:QBAK), a leading manufacturer of automated tape storage solutions, yesterday announced the TLS 5000 series of tape libraries using Sony Corporation’s new SAIT1 tape drives to be available in the region for the first time.

The TLS-5000 Series is the first family of Automated Tape Libraries using Sony’s new SAIT (SuperAIT) tape drive technology to deliver ultra-dense enterprise class backup with Storage densities up to 45 terabytes per square foot. The SAIT-1 tape drive is the result of combining the best features of Sony’s widely used AIT recording technology with the increased media area afforded by the ½-inch tape format. In Qualstar’s advanced robotic design, SAIT yields industry-leading capacity, storage density, performance and reliability.

The Qualstar’s new TLS 5000 Series comprises four models underscoring the company’s focus on the delivering Simply Reliable tape libraries. Equipped with upto 8 SAIT 1 drives, the TLS 58264 holds upto 132 TB [native] of data in less than 8 sq. feet of scarce IT Floor space. The S-AIT-1 also features a very high-sustained data transfer rate of 108 GB [native] per hour, to meet the dual challenge of shrinking backup windows and ever-expanding data storage needs

“The TLS 5000/SAIT combination gives companies a powerful solution to backup, restore and archive their critical information. Sony’s first SAIT technology drive stores upto 500GB[native] on a single half inch tape cartridge, making it industry’s highest capacity tape drive”, says Jamal H Maraqa, Managing Director at PRO TECHnology Co LLC,

He added, ” more and more companies in the region are demanding greater value in deploying new mission critical backup applications, and SAIT provides the right combination of leadership capacity, performance and reliability to meet these requirements. As one of the market leaders, Qulastar’s TLS 5000 libraries, equipped with SAIT-1 drives, represent a significant new capability to meet these mission critical enterprise demands”.

The TLS 5000 Series features include: – Four models spanning 17 to 132 Terabytes – Over 1.1 TB per hour – Direct attach and SANSmart configurations for easy connectivity – Q-link, web based remote library manager

” The new S AIT drive will give our TLS 5000 library customers the ability to cost effectively store incredible amounts of information in a very small amount of floor space. These libraries have been designed for easy upgradability to help companies extend these benefits of their investment for years to come.” Said Bob Covey, Qualstar’s Vice President of marketing.

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